Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's Here!

When I came home for my lunch break today, I saw several large boxes on my front porch and shouted for joy. I had been expecting my new Louet to arrive any time, and there it was. Can a 36" loom and its accessories really fit in these three boxes?We shall see... :)


Anonymous said...

Ah, that reminds me... We assembled my Louet in snatched bits of evening over the course of a week, so the cardboard boxes were piled up in the hall for several days. One of our cats seized the opportunity to be forever hiding and then jumping on the other cat's head. The poor jumpee practically had a nervous breakdown by the time the loom was finished - but I'm pleased to say that she loves it now.

Alison said...

How funny! I imagine that I would be perturbed if someone were to jump from boxes at me, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I have just jumped on your head... If you can bear to, see this post for details.